Extreme sports can test your physical and mental endurance, and to ensure that exhaustion does not turn into tragedy, medical evacuation insurance is a must. One great example of an endurance race is the Marathon Des Sables, a 6-day, 151-mile race across the Sahara Desert. Participants battle extreme conditions to complete the marathon in aid of a non-profit trust in aid of Africa.
One essential feature of the race is the insurance that is provided to all entrants of the race. Benefits usually include medical evacuation insurance, payment of medical expenses, and repatriation of remains.
If you’re not the Morocco marathon type, let’s say you are visiting Africa, and would like to trek through some parts of the Amazon. It is important that you not just purchase travel insurance, but that you also ensure that your policy includes coverage for medical evacuation. You must also check that your sport or activity (hiking, in this case), is covered.
Whenever participating in an extreme sport or endurance test, especially overseas, it is important to be adequately covered. Read the fine print, and ensure that you follow the protocol for the evacuation according to the conditions set forth in the policy. Also remember to purchase such insurance from reputed companies that are rated well by A.M. Best and Company.