In Spain, travelers with scheduled flights recently found an unpleasant surprise; air trraffic controllers throughout the country had gone on strike, wreaking havoc on the country’s air travel scheduling. For travelers who had purchased trip cancellation insurance in advance of their trip, while this strike certainly caused a logistical problem, they could at least take solace in the fact their travel investment was safe.
Airspace was shut down last Saturday at Spain’s AENA airport due to the air traffic controllers strike. The weekend was specifically chosen because it was a busy holiday travel weekend. Unique laws in Spain give the government the ability to prosecute air traffic controllers who refuses to do their job. This power forced employees back into work and allowed for a re-opening of the airspace.
Imagine you were scheduled for one of those flights, with a connecting flight taking you on to your final destination, and when you showed up at the airport, you found your flight was delayed because of the strike. In many instances, this would not only become a scheduling problem but also a financial problem, because in missing the connecting flight you may need to purchase new airfare, and you may also lose money on event tickets and hotel room booking that you cannot use due to not arriving on time.
Trip cancellation insurance covers the cost of the money you spend on airfare, accomodations, and other items you book in advance when traveling. If your trip needs to be cancelled or delayed for a variety of reasons, you can rest assured your investment is secure.