Trip cancellation insurance helps you to maintain inner peace when the outer world is so volatile. The topmost worry for any traveler these days is the H1N1 virus. The uncertainty of the virus and rumors of its mutation worldwide (like the black lung disease in Ukraine) further jeopardize one’s travel plans.
Does trip cancellation insurance help if I cancel my trip because I’m afraid I might contract the swine flu virus? The answer is, unfortunately, no. Basic trip cancellation covers only those benefits which are expressly listed in the policy as a ???named peril??? and does not cover exclusions.
For example, if you are quarantined due to exposure to swine flu, your trip delay may be covered if quarantine is listed under the ???named peril??? section of your policy. If an epidemic is listed under the exclusions of the policy, then you will not be covered, even if quarantined.
One ray of hope is that you can purchase additional cover under ???Cancel for any reason??? coverage. There are certain conditions which have to be adhered to, in order to benefit under this clause. This additional coverage also calls for a co-payment between 10% to 50% of the trip cost, depending on the plan chosen. U.S. citizens can receive benefits under most trip cancellation policies if the government issues an advisory against travel to an affected area.