Many of the small ventures are getting choked with the huge expenses incurred due to health care. Some of them refrain from starting new ventures as the affordability of the health care plans look very uncertain and bleak especially in the current volatile job scenario. They fear that the health care overhaul being so actively proposed by the Obama administration may actually raise the costs further because of heavy taxes.
A survey report state that many of the early players are finding it very difficult to offer health insurance coverage to their employees with skyrocketing premiums continually on the rise year after year. This is making it further difficult to sustain in the current scenario of huge financial crisis.
Reports also state that only 25% of the small ventures with few employees offer coverage for their employees with a suitable health insurance coverage plan. Also, more than 50% of the uninsured population in the US fall into the category of small business owners and dependants. 80% of these small ventures claim that they are definitely interested in covering their employees with a health insurance plan but they are not able to afford the huge premiums as it really hampers their marketing and research initiatives.