Secure Dental One Insurance

Secure Dental One Insurance

Secure DentalOne offers you access to high quality, affordable dental coverage for your entire family. Coverage is provided for preventive, basic and major dental services per insured person.

Plan Details

  • Policy Max
  • Deductible
  • Co-Insurance
  • Coverage Options
  • Plan Life
  • Underwriter
  • Claims Administrator
  • Secure DentalOne pays a percentage of covered expenses based on the Reasonable and Customary (R&C) fees for those Covered Charges to a maximum of US $750 on the ClassicOne and US$ 1,250 on the PremierOne per calendar year.
  • $100 Lifetime deductible per person.
  • Co-insurance 80% for BasicOne, 50% to 80% for CalssicOne and Graded benefit for the Premier One.
  • Secure DentalOne insurance offers a choice of BasicOne, ClassicOne or PremierOne policies.
  • Secure DentalOne Insurance coverage is available in monthly increments.
  • Secure DentalOne Insurance is underwritten by Standard Security Life Insurance Company of New York.
  • Secure DentalOne Insurance is administered by Health Plan Administrators, Inc.

  • Eligibility
    This plan is offered to individuals and their spouse through age 64, and their eligible dependents (state requirements for dependent eligibility may vary).
    Coverage starts on the effective date. The effective date issued will begin on the first of the month (at12:00 a.m.) following HPA, Inc.’s receipt of the completed Enrollment Form and payment of the first month of premium
  • Plan Benefits

    Secure Dental One coverage includes charges for:

    • Freedom to choose any Dentist ( The BasicOne plan is a PPO plan subject to Maximum Allowable Charge (MAC)) However use of PPO ( ) offer negotiated rates.
    • Choice of $750, $1,250 calendar year maximum per insured person
    • For ClassicOne and PremierOne – Endodontic treatment, Periodontic services, Inlays, onlays and crowns, Prosthetic services, dentures or bridges, Oral surgery
    • Eligible for ages through 64.
    • Benefits for preventive care
    • Easy payment through Automatic Bank Draft or credit card. Quarterly or Annual premiums can be paid by credit card.
  • Remarks
    • PPO Network: Freedom to choose any Dentist ( The BasicOne plan is a PPO plan subject to Maximum Allowable Charge (MAC)) However use of PPO ( ) offer negotiated rates.
    • Cancellation: Written request required to cancel the plan.
    • Brochures:
      • Please click here to view Secure DentalOne Insurance Brochure for the states ID, GA, TX and NC
      • Please click here to view Secure DentalOne Insurance Brochure for all other states