Here’s a situation that was prevalent until recently: A senior, over 65 years, retired from work, done with financial responsibilities, and looking forward to traveling to far and distant lands. And international travel health insurance policies hard to come by for the travel.
Reason? Insurance companies think that people over 65 are more likely to file claims during international travel. So, they either denied coverage, or raised the premiums to reflect the risk. However, several insurance companies are now waking to the possibilities of doing business with this demographic. Of late, several plans have started to cater to seniors, with some travel insurance policies even covering sudden occurrence of pre-existing conditions to a limit.
When you’re over 65 and looking to travel, first, do not be put off by some company’s attitudes or rates. Shop around online for good deals. Second, look for companies that offer the coverage you need. You may not need winter sports coverage, for example, but rather, some coverage for pre-existing conditions. Look for coverage that is important for you.
If you think you’ll travel a lot during one calendar year, consider getting multi-trip or annual travel insurance that will cover you for a fixed number of days a year. It will be easier to manage. Last, research the destination and always carry your regular medication with you. Bon voyage!