If you’re planning to live in the United States for an extended period of time (more than six months), you will realize the need for USA dental insurance. You will find that most short-term insurance plans do not cover dental care, except damage to natural teeth due to accidents.
Regular dental check-ups, however, are necessary to maintain dental health, and it is a good idea to purchase dental insurance separately. There is a wide range of dental insurance plans available in the market. One such plan is the Secure DentalOne plan.
The plan offers three coverage options, with differing benefits: BasicOne, ClassicOne, and PremiumOne. The deductible is fixed at a $100 per calendar year. The co-insurance, or co-pay, varies by plan, and is 80% for the BasicOne plan, and the PremiumOne plan has graded co-pays.
Plan holders can be insured for $750 or $1250 per calendar year. While the BasicOne plan covers basic dental hygiene and check-up costs, the ClassicOne and PremiumOne plans cover endodontic treatment, periodontic services, inlays, crowns, dentures, bridges, and oral surgery. Those under 65 years of age are eligible to apply. The Secure DentalOne insurance plan is administered by Health Plan Administrators, Inc.