Wellness benefit coverage in a health insurance plan typically covers for routine health examinations like screening and diagnosis tests, blood tests, cholesterol and thyroid examinations, smear tests, neurology examinations and cardiovascular examinations. Vaccination costs for children are also included in this coverage.
The insurance provider who offers this benefit as part of medical insurance generally has a tie up with some clinics and medical set-ups and offers certain medical check-up packages. It is more advantageous if there is a provision of direct claims settlement where the bills are settled by the insurance provider to the hospital. The insured just needs to show the ID card at any of the partnership clinics and the rest is taken care.
Alternatively, the enrolled members can visit a clinic of their choice and get the tests done. The claims can be filed by submitting adequate proof along with the bills.
Wellness check-ups ensure that medical conditions are detected early enough so that the patient need not be treated when the health disorder reaches a critical condition. It also ensures that the diseases are detected in the initial stages so that the health care costs also come down and the patient can recover with less suffering.