Voluntary expeditions to far-flung corners of the globe are increasingly popular with people who relish a challenge and want to experience something new. If your vacation is a jungle expedition, a trekking challenge or a voluntary project how do you keep healthy and fit?
Essential preparations include making sure your travel medical insurance is current and high quality. If you’re travelling as a group you may have group health insurance in place. Train for the physical exertion of an expedition for weeks or months before you go – good levels of fitness will help you enjoy your experience.
Make sure you are mentally prepared before you take on the expedition. Expedition life can be hard and many people find it difficult to adapt to a new environment, living with strangers, new languages and hardships. Mental fitness is just as important as physical in your pre-trip preparations.
On expedition, safeguard your health in difficult environments by treating your drinking water and cooking, or making sure your food is cooked, thoroughly and stored hygienically. Always wash your hands after working and before eating, and use a disinfectant