With a large number of different insurance plans on offer today it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. Some plans you may not have heard of before but can offer significant benefits for travel and overseas living. For example, expatriate insurance comes with many advantages for people who are living abroad. Find out more about expatriate insurance below.
Expatriate insurance, as the name suggests, is for expats – people who are living for extended periods of time outside their home country. They may have moved for work, or their spouse’s work, for study or to start a new life or business abroad. Because expatriates may not be eligible for health insurance plans in their new country because of visa or residency restrictions, a good quality health insurance plan is needed to fill the gap.
Many expats want coverage that protects them both in their home country and their place of residence abroad. Two types of expatriate insurance provide coverage for expats. These are short term and long term insurance plans. Short term insurance is for a period of time between five days and three years and is designed to provide health coverage for injury and illness in your new place of residence. Some plans may also provide protection for injury and illness at home, too. These plans don’t over cover like maternity benefits and expire when you return home.
Long term cover is for a minimum period of one year. Long term expatriate insurance offers additional benefits including maternity cover and preventive care, and provides cover for trips home. If you are looking for affordable coverage for your time abroad then expat insurance is a good offer. You will be covered for emergency medical treatment and if you choose a long term plan you can also get coverage for the times when you are visiting home.